T4A 0.8 is released
Posted October 16, 2022. By Lauri

Version 0.8 of The 4th Age is released, over a decade since the previous release. You can find the download link here.
Please enjoy, and if possible, please give feedback and suggestions, as it really helps out! Easiest to do on our Discord server, but you can also use these forums.

0 Comments | Knights of a golden ship and a silver swan
Posted August 7, 2012. By Lauri
Hey everyone!
Now it's over a year since the last update, and it's been over 5 years since I started on this mod(!). What have I got today? Remakes... Yes, damn the self criticism.. I wanted to improve those who bears the token of a golden ship and a silver swan..

Eranoth, the Prince of Dol Amroth, has been redone. He wears a cape, a sword and no helmet to distinguish himself from his knights.

And of course his Knights of Dol Amroth has been redone to fit. No, they don't come dismounted. They have been assigned to the be only cavalry unit that Gondor has, as I have been doing some pre-balance work, trying to settle the factions with a decent amount of unit types that resemble their overall theme. This means that Gondor will have infantry as their main focus again, while Rohan will be more cavalry oriented and less about infantry than they are now. Same applies for Harad and Rhun and their themes. If you visit the site, you'll see an outdated category of how it used to be.
That is all, if there's anything you wonder let me know!
Keep your eye on the horizon, I've heard reports of Haradrim gathering an army in the South...
13 Comments | The Normandy Reborn
Posted May 24, 2011. By Lauri
So, what'd we got? Work has been slow lately, and for that I apologise. I had a thought, and planned out a doable "remake" of Gondor's units. Why? Here is my reason;
The mod's story. Gondor has been invaded by forces of Rhûn, and Minas Tirith lies in ruins. King Eldaravir flees before all hope is lost. They make a new capital in Dol Amroth. Now, it only makes sense that the biggest part of the army will come from the fiefdoms of Gondor, so that is exactly what I have done with the units list of Gondor: I've redone it. Most changes are purely cosmetic, but you can watch the new list here.
Here are some renders of the new units of Gondor. First, the Swordsmen of Lamedon; second, the Bowmen of Blackroot Vale; and third, the Riders of Pinnath Gelin

Secondly, I've made some progress on Harad as well. The Haradrim Siege Ladder. Now, I'll explain something about it. I wanted a rope ladder from the start, to have a unique one (I did get the idea from RA though). Now, this man carrying the ladder, is carrying a HUGE ladder compared to himself and everyone else. It looks ridiculous, it truly does. It looks very unbelievable. But in the end, it's all I bother to do. And I think it acctually looks good in-game, even if the ladders a little oversized. Okay, it's BIG compared to him, especially on the render! I don't give a frak, because I can't get hung up on petty details on every godsdamn thing.

Lastly, I have in-game screenies. I thought I had 8, but it turns out 4 of them was from the last batch, that I didn't know I had out, so you'll only get 4.

You can enter the site from my signature. That'll be all, dismissed. Reference for cookie!
4 Comments | The Southrons
Posted February 17, 2011. By Lauri
Another day, another update, this time, Haradrim Buildings;
 The main citadel for Haradrim Castles. I wanted a big boomer for this one, and I got one! The toughest and most durable citadels of all factions.
 The stables, inspired heavily by the arabic stables in AoE2. Rendering in Max, I can't get to show alphas, but this is how the fence looks in-game.
 And at last, the watchtower.. This is the weakest structure Harad has, being the only one that is entirely wooden. Ironically, it's just for defence.
And I've also got some in-game screenshots of the various buildings, including some that I haven't rendered. NOTE; The camp-floor are yet to be replaced, and there won't be a Darkness spell in-game. And of course, there will be a visible archer when I sort out that bug on the Watchtower!

Being an efficient son of a bitch, all are complete with destruction, buildup and idle animations! What does this mean? Well, for starters, it means that Harad has, in theory, only 3 buildings left before all their structures are done! When taken into account that there was 8 only a month ago, that's pretty good progress!
Logging you out, Shepard.
6 Comments | The Update after Christmas
Posted December 26, 2010. By Lauri
Hey all, and a late Meriadoc Brandybuck to you all!
I hope you all enjoyed the last few days and spent them with loved ones, and not on a 11-hour flight like one of my brothers Today I've got a small update for you. As some of you might already know, I've recently been involved in a new project, The Peloponnesian Wars. That mod is for BFME2, and I enjoy working on that. That does not mean however, that I have left T4A for the kath hounds, by no means!
Today I've been working, or rather, re-working on Morgon, the Captain of the Citadel Guards. The reason for this is simple: I am getting rid of the Captain unit for the various factions. They have no purpose in the mod in reality, even though they are Captains. I just don't think they fit as a single unit in the fighting. They are not that strong or unique, and I believe that heroes will be enough to keep the armies going. Because I liked the concept of the Gondor Captains however, I decided to add more of them into Morgon, who himself is a Captain.
 As you'll notice, he has a Sword-n-Shield\Bow toggle, something that I've wanted since I saw the animations cahik made for Einar, the fictional captain of Esgaroth (or Dale?) in RA back in the days.
That was all I had planned for today, when I remembered about a certain Archery Range I had made not too long ago. I was certain I had showed it before, but seeing through the forums and ModDB I didn't find it. So here it is;
 I was actually quite pleased with that, and hope you'll be too. The reason I like it so much is probably because it reminds me of the Mediterrean\Arab culture's Archery Range in AoE2, one of my favorite games of all time! I'll leave it to you to figure out yourselves what models are tied to which rank 
That's all for this time, you'll have to wait 'till next your for another update! Cheers
